The CIA's "Ten Commandments for China"

Firstly, to seduce and corrupt their youth with as much material as possible, encouraging them to despise, despise and further openly oppose the ideological education they had originally received, especially communist education. Create opportunities for them to develop an interest in pornography, which in turn encourages them to engage in sexual promiscuity. Let them not be ashamed of their superficiality and vanity. Be sure to destroy the hard-working spirit that they have always stressed.       Secondly, all possible propaganda must be done, including films, books, television, radio waves and new forms of religious propaganda. Just getting them to aspire to our ways of clothing, food, housing, transport, entertainment and education is half the battle.       Thirdly, it is essential to draw the attention of their youth away from the government-centred tradition. Keep their minds focused on sports shows, pornographic books, hedonistic pleasures, games, criminogenic films, and religious superstitions.       Fourth, from time to time, create something of no consequence for their citizens to discuss openly. In this way the seeds of division are planted in their subconscious. It is especially important to find good opportunities within their minorities to divide their regions, divide their ethnic groups, divide their feelings and create old and new enmities among them.       Fifth, we should keep creating news to vilify their leaders. Our journalists should find opportunities to interview them and then use their own rhetoric to attack themselves.       Sixth, preach democracy in every situation. At every opportunity, whether large or small, visible or invisible, we should seize the opportunity to launch a democracy campaign. Whatever the occasion, whatever the situation, we must keep demanding democracy and human rights from them (the government).       Seventh, we must try to encourage them (the government) to spend and encourage them to borrow from us. In this way we will have complete certainty to destroy their credit, devalue their currency and have inflation. As soon as they lose control of prices, they will completely collapse in the minds of the people.       Eighth, we must use our economic and technological superiority to strike a tangible and invisible blow at their industries. As long as their industry is unwittingly crippled, we can encourage social unrest. But we must outwardly be very charitable in helping and assisting them, so that they (the government) appear weak. A weak government brings about greater unrest.       Ninthly, we have to use all our resources, even the raising of a hand, a word or a smile, to destroy their traditional values. We have to use everything to destroy their moral hearts and minds. The key to destroying their self-esteem and self-confidence is to try to break their hard-working spirit.       Tenthly, we will secretly send all kinds of weapons to equ


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