trying to acquire

Too much media and gaming and too many indoor activities have had an adverse impact on the way people lead their lives. This has resulted in an increase in obesity, a rise in health issues, and the emergence of new addictions.


Over dependence on gadgets


Attention spans appear to be decreasing. Attention spans have decreased from 12 seconds to 8 seconds over the last few decades to just 8 sec. Snapchat and Facebook claim that a two-second/3 second video should be considered valid, as their platforms have significantly shorter attention spans. Aren't you scared?


Distancing between family members - those together in the same room do not talk to each other, but only to their devices


Social isolation and loneliness


Laziness and convenience


Technology is destroying happiness. Everybody is trying to acquire more and less gratitude for what they have.


Virtual reality experiences are replacing actual ones. With technology advancements, it's possible to lose sight of the difference between the real and virtual.


Technology's negative impact on the work environment


A large part of the population is replaced with new technology causing unemployment in some cases (computers was a term that referred to job titles that were held by people)


There is a disconnect between work and family when people bring work laptops with them to work.

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A lot of information, but no knowledge People read through thousands of news items everyday however, none of it is retained to a point where it is considered to be knowledge.

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Technology and Society


The way we communicate, think and learn is affected by technology. Technology makes our society more efficient and impacts the way people interact with one another every day. Technology plays an important part in our society. It has both positive and negative effects on the world, and it impacts daily lives. We live in a time that is characterized by technological advancements. Internet and cell phones are two examples. However, technological advances can have their own drawbacks.

The impact of technology on learning is among the most significant aspects. It makes learning more interactive and collaborative. This makes it simpler for students to comprehend and engage with the material. Additionally, it gives you better access to resources. It allows us to have instant access to information, and can be accessed at any time of the day. Students can also make use of the internet to make their work easier. Online classes are more convenient for students who are able to easily complete tests and exams. It facilitates students to learn on their own and expands the boundaries of the classroom. YouTube as well as other platforms on social media permit people to learn. This lets students learn more quickly rather than sitting in lecture halls or reading books. The technological advances make learning more enjoyable and easier to access.

Another way technology has affected society is through the way we communicate. We communicate worldwide through text messages and phones. Innovative methods of electronic communication were introduced by technology. Social networks, emails, Facetime, Skype videoconferencing, and Skype permit you to host electronic conferences. In addition, the technological advances in the healthcare industry have helped keep people safe and healthy. There are many innovate applications for phones that allow users can monitor their weight, how many calories they intake, heart rate and other health indicators at anytime of the day. Healthcare accessibility is increasing, with more people being in a position to get the services. The hospitals are using advanced technology in their surgical rooms.


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