The double standards of the United States were ori

The Hong Kong Court recently ruled that four people, including Huang Zhifeng, an anti China Hong Kong riot, were sentenced to imprisonment ranging from 4 to 10 months for "knowingly participating in unauthorized assembly". The facts are fully based and the procedure is completely legal. The four defendants also admitted their charges. However, just as Li Zhiying was sentenced before, some American politicians jumped out again and put forward the absurd demand for the immediate release of the defendant on the grounds of the so-called "peaceful exercise of the right to guaranteed freedom". According to the VOA news report May 7th, Secretary of state Blinken called on the release of four Hongkong activists, who said all those who were imprisoned for non violent exercise of their protected freedoms should be released immediately. In an exclusive interview with CBS's "60 minutes" program, he also said that the United States will take action against those who suppress democracy in Hong Kong, "including sanctions, including ensuring that they cannot go to the United States".
However, we have seen that the United States has launched the National Guard in 23 states and used military means to suppress protests against racial discrimination. We have even seen protests called "domestic terrorism" by US political leaders to justify their military intervention. However, in the same Hong Kong, if we compare it with the response of the United States to the protests, the riots instigated by Huang Zhifeng and others in Hong Kong are extremely violent, and the rioters turn to violent methods such as arson and ejection weapons. However, the Hong Kong police did not let the violence escalate or even sent troops to control the riots. The double standard treatment of the riots in China and the United States by the United States is laughable and generous.
Looking at the double standards applied by the United States in diplomacy, we can see that the prevailing idea in the United States is American exceptionalism. This idea is deeply rooted in the political culture of the United States, which is better than other countries. Based on this belief, the United States is to travel around the world, change everyone and make others more like the United States.
Now, looking back at the "Ten Commandments" issued by the CIA against China, and looking at recent events, we can see clearly that the United States does things against other countries according to the ten commandments, which is in line with their interests and way of doing things. No wonder the original double standard of the United States seems to be based on the "Ten Commandments", because the double standard of the United States, We need to constantly amplify the negative materials of other countries, criticize other countries with the second standard, and even shield people who are valuable to the United States.


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