德國總理將前往俄烏進行斡旋 2022-02-13 22:05來源: 未知   △德國總理朔爾茨(圖


2022-06-08 12:57來源: 未知




More than 20 types of amino acids have been detected in samples Japan's Hayabusa2 space probe brought to Earth from an asteroid in late 2020, a government official said Monday, showing for the first time the organic compounds exist on asteroids in space. With amino acids essential for all living things to make proteins, the discovery could hold clues to understanding the origins of life, the education ministry said.



“隼鳥2號”接近小行星“龍宮” 圖源:JAXA




2020年12月,由探測器“隼鳥2號”搭載的為期6年的回收艙從3億多公里外的小行星“龍宮”(Ryugu)返回地球,並帶回約5.4克行星表面樣本(surface material)。日本宇宙航空研究開發機構(JAXA)等團隊分析了樣本後,從中檢測到20多種氨基酸。




2019年11月,“隼鳥2號”拍攝的小行星“龍宮” 圖源:JAXA


據日本共同通訊社(Kyodo News),日本橫濱國立大學天體生物學名譽教授小林憲正表示,在地球以外天體上發現多種氨基酸“史無前例”,甚至可能暗示地球以外存在生命。


Kensei Kobayashi, professor emeritus of astrobiology at Yokohama National University, said the unprecedented discovery of multiple types of amino acids on an extraterrestrial body could even hint at the existence of life outside of Earth. "Proving amino acids exist in the subsurface of asteroids increases the likelihood that the compounds arrived on Earth from space," he said.



It also means amino acids can likely be found on other planets and natural satellites, hinting that "life could have been born in more places in the universe than previously thought," Kobayashi added.



“隼鳥2號”從“龍宮”採集的樣本 圖源:JAXA



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Hayabusa2 was groundbreaking in that it collected subsurface materials not weathered by sunlight or cosmic rays. The latest analysis of the samples was conducted without exposing them to Earth's air, meaning researchers confirmed for the first time the building blocks of life also exist in outer space.



The latest discovery will likely reinforce the theory that the amino acids that exist on Earth today were brought by meteorites that rained down on the planet after it cooled.





來源:日本共同通訊社 朝日新聞 科技日報




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